Monday, May 20, 2019

Basics of Chess

1.      About Chess?
a.       Chess is also called as Chaturanga. Chess is believed to have originated in India, some time before the 7th century.
b.      Chess is a battle (War) between two kings
c.       Chess is an International (World Wide) game.
d.      Chess is a two player game
e.       Chess is a Mind Game
f.        Chess is an Indoor game

2.      Advantage of Chess?
a.       Chess teaches children to think analytically, logically and on more than one level.
b.      Chess helps promote intellectual growth and has been shown to improve academic performance.
c.       Chess is a powerful tool for developing thinking and memory in children.
d.      It teaches children to think analytically, logically and on more than one level.
e.       It also helps them build up their decision-making tools. It educates them to be responsible for their decision and the consequences of those decisions.
f.        Chess enhances cognitive abilities, rational thinking, patience, and reasoning.
g.       Chess uncovers both a child’s and adult’s hidden abilities and talents.

3.      How many squares are there in the chess board?
a.       There are 64 Squares in the board
b.      32 white squares and 32 black squares

4.      How many pieces are there in the board?
a.       There are 16 white and 16 black pieces in the board

5.      How to place the chess board?
a.       Your right hand side corner square should be white

6.      How to place King  & Queen in the chess board?
a.       White king should be in black square and Black king should be in white square

b.      King should be in “e” Square for both white and black.

7.   How to place remaining pieces in the board?
a.       Place a rook, on each of your 2 corners.
b.      Place your knights on the inside of the rooks.
c.       Place your bishops to the inside of the nights.
d.      Place your queen on the matching colored square that remains. 
e.       Place your king on the last open square of your first row. 
f.        Place all of your pawn along the second row.
g.       Review your pieces to make sure you have it right. 

8.      How to denote rows and columns in the chess board?
a.       Rows can be denoted as “Rank” 
b.      Column can be denoted as “File”
c.       “Diagonals” are the rows of squares that run at a slant on the chessboard.

9.      What is Check?
a.       King is in attack but we can save the king

10.      What is Check Mate?
a.       King is in attack and we cannot save the king

Check Mate in 2 moves

                                               1. f3 e6 2. g4 Qh4#

     There are some symbols you should know when reading or writing chess notation.

++ or #
     King's side
     Queen's side

    If you play in tournaments you will have to record the game so it is a good idea to practice as soon as you begin playing. You can also later go over your games to find out where you or your opponent made mistakes.

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